University City residents trash 2,163,668 lbs of edible food every year.

How much?

Our audit began by asking one question: how much food do we waste in University City? Calculating our baseline number tells us the impact of our food waste story—and gives us something real to work with.

By the numbers:

  • 2.69 lb per household per week

    The average University City household throws out 5.66 lb of food every week—2.69 lb of which is still edible.

  • 140 lb per household per year

    140 pounds. That’s the average amount of edible food thrown out by a single University City household, every year.

  • 2,163,668 lb per year from U City

    That’s our all in number, University City. Together, we generate over two million pounds of food waste from perfectly edible food.

We weighed, tracked, & measured. We know big change can start one meal—or one peel—at a time.